The Latest - Page 5 of 19 - Nalandabodhi Seattle

The Latest


Introduction to Buddhism 102: Traveling from Confusion to Original Sanity

Introduction to Buddhism is a cycle of teachings based on the fundamental discoveries of the Buddha. What is mind? How do we understand reality? How can we reduce the suffering of ourselves and other beings? This second course in the free series is based on the original teachings of the Buddha and lays the foundation for understanding major Buddhist philosophical traditions.

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Life Release Practice in Taipei & Hong Kong

Freeing sentient beings who otherwise would die due to human activity is taught to increase the merit of those who are on a dharma path. During Tara Drupchen we will partner with our sister sanghas in Asia to offer this practice. Those in the Pacific time zone may pause at 2 p.m. Saturday Sept. 23 and at 1 a.m. Sunday Sept. 24, and make the aspiration that all beings be free and enjoy favorable conditions on their path to enlightenment.

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Mahayana 303: Not Even a Middle

This is the third in a six-course series, exploring how Nagarjuna explained the Buddha’s teaching from a logical perspective. It describes the development of the Madhyamaka philosophical school in India and Tibet and explores the definitions of the two truths and the five great Madhyamaka reasonings.

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Ebook: An Overview Of The Five Texts Of Maitreya

The five treatises of the next Buddha Maitreya are crucial and celebrated because they provide a comprehensive overview of all the essential elements of mahāyāna motivation, view, meditation, conduct, and fruition in a very concise form. This overview was translated by Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl.

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Mind Without Borders: Nalandabodhi’s prison dharma

Mind Without Borders is a prison dharma program founded in 2006 by Nalandabodhi’s New York City sangha. We provide Buddhist study through correspondence courses, dharma pen pals and practice instructors. You can help by becoming a pen pal, sending books and magazines or making a donation.

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Life Release Practices for Ponlop Rinpoche’s Birthday

Our sister sanghas in Hong Kong and Taipei will perform life releases a week before the June 24 birthday of Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. The purchase and release of beings who otherwise would die due to human activity is taught to be a powerful practice. We invite you to pause in a moment of contemplation at the time of the releases, on Friday June 16 in the Pacific time zone and Saturday morning in Asia.

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