Please join us for a new ongoing series, Introduction to Buddhism on Wednesday evenings in 2025 from 6:00–7:00p onsite at Nalanda West.
Each class will consist of meditation, listening/viewing, and discussion. Feel free to drop in at any time! Classes will follow the Nalandabodhi Digital Dharma curriculum, so students can review or repeat any lessons at their own pace.
Register for the January 8th session HERE.
Curious about Buddhism and the basic teachings in Buddhism? What is the cause of suffering and discontentment, and can we find a path that offers peace, happiness, and freedom from suffering?
This introductory series of four courses explores the basic principles of the Buddha’s teachings. They provide practical advice for applying these teachings in our lives and broadening our understanding of the world around us, all the while laying the groundwork for later study about Buddhism. We explore such topics as the Four Noble Truths, karma, egolessness, the purpose of mindfulness practices, and the path of meditation.
Each class session starts with a brief, guided meditation, then a viewing of a video teaching, followed by talk and discussion. The teachings are presented by instructors who have been selected for their deep knowledge, clarity, and ability to present Buddhism in a way that is relevant to today’s world.
The course material is based on talks by Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Founder and Spiritual Director of Nalandabodhi and facilitated by senior students of Nalandabodhi Seattle.
The video teachings and additional course materials can be viewed at Nalanda Digital Dharma
The source texts for the courses are available as printed booklets in the Nalanda Store, or as e-books on Google Play and Apple books. More information HERE
These sessions may be taken as a full course or attended on a drop-in basis. All are welcome!
Registration– Find the next scheduled session on the Nalandabodhi Seattle Calendar
There are four courses in the Intro Series and each course is divided into 3 or 4 modules. Sessions cover key topics within the modules.
The first course is The Life of the Buddha and the Spiritual Journey.
Wednesdays, January 8 through April 30
Introduction to Buddhism 101: The Life of the Buddha and the Spiritual Journey begins with the life story of the historical Buddha and how we can use his life as an example. Following a discussion of Buddhism as a science of mind, instructions on the proper meditation posture are given. The text then prompts us to consider if we truly want to wake up, and what keeps us from doing so. It concludes with discussions on the three wisdoms (hearing, contemplating, and meditating), the two types of meditation (calm-abiding and insight), and a brief introduction to the three approaches of Buddhism, as well as the type of spiritual friend that accompanies each approach.
Starting Wednesday, May 7
Introduction to Buddhism 102: Traveling from Confusion to Original Sanity begins with a discussion of the famous Buddhist triad of goal, path, and fruition. The next section covers the first teaching of the Buddha, the Four Noble Truths (Truth of Suffering, Truth of Origin, Truth of Cessation, and Truth of the Path). The text concludes with teachings on emotions: how to view and understand them as well as a three step method for working with them.
Continuing through 2025
Introduction to Buddhism 103: Karma, Rebirth, and Selflessness discusses some of the most important concepts in Buddhism. It begins with instructions on how to practice analytical mediation. Next is the Four Seals, which define the Buddhist view. They are: everything conditioned is impermanent, everything contaminated is suffering, all phenomena are without self and empty, and nirvana alone is peace. The text then moves on to the Four Reminders, a practice that helps turn one’s mind away from samsara. The Four Reminders are: precious human birth, impermanence and death, karma (cause and result), and the shortcomings of conditioned existence. The text concludes with an in depth discussion of the spiritual friend – how to work with a spiritual friend, the three types, and the ultimate spiritual friend.
Introduction to Buddhism 104: The Four Foundations of Mindfulness gives a comprehensive overview of this fundamental Buddhist meditation practice. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Mindfulness of Body, Mindfulness of Feelings, Mindfulness of Mind, and Mindfulness of Phenomena) are taught from two perspectives: The Foundational Approach and the Vast & Profound Approach. The text concludes with a discussion of the Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma and how all the different approaches of Buddhism lead to the same goal.