Paramitas, Paths, and Fruitions (MAH 306) - Nalandabodhi Seattle

Paramitas, Paths, and Fruitions (MAH 306)

Sat., September 7, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am

MAH 306
online 9:00–10:30 am (Pacific Time)
Saturdays, September 7–October 26, 2024

Mahayana builds on foundational Tibetan buddhist schools and, through philosophical reasoning, it points to the benefit of expanding our desire for liberation to include all beings. By working with emotions and exploring the illusory nature of all phenomena, a heart of genuine compassion arises. Mahayana teachings also introduce the idea of buddha nature — the crucial notion that all sentient beings possess the seed of buddhahood.

MAH 306 is the last class in the Nalandabodhi Mahayana series. It focuses on the ten paramitas, the five paths, the ten grounds of awakening, mind’s dimensions of awakening, and trascending delusion, unfolding wisdom.


All classes are held on Zoom on Saturdays from 9:00–10:30 am PT.

September 7: Class 1 The Ten Paramitas

September 14: Class 2 The Five Paths

September 21: NO CLASS (Tara Drupchen weekend)

September 28: Class 3 The Ten Grounds of Awakening

October 5: Discussion Group

October 12: Class 4 Mind’s Dimensions of Awakening

October 19: Class 5 Transcending Delusion, Unfolding Wisdom

October 26: Discussion Group

It is recommended that students complete the prior Mahayana curriculum (MAH 301-305) or the equivalent as well as have a regular meditation practice.


On Zoom.

Please register in advance to receive the Zoom link.


The text for this course is available through the Nalanda bookstore.

MAH 306 Paramitas, Paths, and Fruitions

Please order your text at least 2 weeks in advance and read the first chapter before the first class meeting.

Facilitator Bio

Sal Tufano is a senior student of Ponlop Rinpoche and experienced Nalandabodhi study class facilitator. He began a dharma path ten years ago in Boulder, Colorado at Naropa University with a masters degree in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. His path has continued through the study and meditation programs offered by Nalandabodhi and Nitartha Institute.  He has been a student of Ponlop Rinpoche since November of 2016. Sal has served as Nalandabodhi’s Chief Strategy Officer and spent four years on the NB Senior Administrative Team. He has contributed to some key mandala projects like acquiring the Contemplative Resource Center in Texas and the ongoing Digital Content Delivery project.

Date/Time Date(s) - Sat., September 7, 2024
9:00 am - 10:30 am


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