Sunday Open Meditation + a Buddhist Valentine from Mitra Lee Worley - Nalandabodhi Seattle
Mitra Lee Worley seated, teaching

Sunday Open Meditation + a Buddhist Valentine from Mitra Lee Worley

Sun., February 16, 2025
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
HYBRID Nalandabodhi Seattle @ Nalanda West

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Mitra Lee Worley will be visiting Seattle to present a Mudra Space Awareness workshop, Playfully Expressing the Dharma. (If you are interested in movement and meditation, dance, or yoga, you won’t want to miss this workshop!) She has graciously agreed to give a Sunday dharma talk during her stay and we are grateful that she will bring her wisdom, warmth, and insight to Sunday Open Meditation. Please join us for a Buddhist Valentine from Mitra Lee!


10:00 Opening Chants
10:10 Shamatha (Calm Abiding) and Walking Meditation
11:00 Dharma Talk with Mitra Lee Worley
12:00 Community Lunch


Mitra Lee Worley seated, teachingLEE WORLEY, formerly an actress and theater director, is Professor Emerita from Naropa University in Boulder Colorado where she taught Performance Studies and Contemplative Education for forty-four years. Under the guidance of its founder, Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, she began studying Mudra Space Awareness in 1974 and is one of a handful of authorized Mudra teachers. This work formed the basis of her Contemplative Performance training method. She holds an MA in Buddhist Studies and is a practitioner of Vajrayana Buddhism. Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche appointed her one of four Western teachers (“Mitras” [Spiritual Friends]) in the Buddhist sangha of Nalandabodhi International. Mitra Lee has written two books: Coming From Nothing: the Sacred Art of Acting and Teaching Presence: Field Notes for Players.

Date/Time Date(s) - Sun., February 16, 2025
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Location HYBRID Nalandabodhi Seattle @ Nalanda West

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Ticket Type Price Spaces
teaching gift for Mitra Lee and support for Nalandabodhi Seattle (please select multiples of $10 for larger offerings)
Meal Contribution
for those joining for lunch onsite at Nalanda West
Registration $0.00

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